Thursday 29 January 2015

Winter in Ireland, heavy snow falls?

For this winter our weather frogs predicted severe weather. Well, we are still waiting for it, the same as we waited for the scorching hot summer last year, which never appeared.
You might think that it is normal that they get it wrong sometimes, but our climatologists never get it right. I can believe my own eyes better when I look out of the window, then I can trust in their predictions!
It was snowing in the West and North of the country in the past few days and there the snow even stayed on the ground because it was cold enough, but I did not see one single snow flake down here in the South East of Ireland - up to yesterday, but then the miracle happened - heaven opened and Mother Hulda shook out her feather-beds. Big snow flakes danced down from the sky, but unfortunately they disappeared immediately as soon as they touched the ground. The ferret cats which made themselves at home in our garden shed during the winter, looked curious out of the window of their house, wondering what that was. It was their first time seeing snow and they seemed to like it.
I normally would put a photo with this post, as I usually do with most of my posts, but  I have no wintry picture from this year, sorry!

Saturday 3 January 2015


Ab heute ist mein neues Buch

"Geisterschnecken, Spinnenmonster und Menschenungeheuer"

mit 33 satirischen Geschichten auf Amazon erhältlich.
Ich lade alle meine Leser ein, darin zu blättern und sich für ein paar Stunden
mit weniger Ernsthaftem zu beschäftigen.