Fotos by Margit Anna Binder
We ignored the prediction of the weather man yesterday and went up the Comeragh Mountains in County Waterford , to visit the Mahon Falls . Locally, it is pronounced” Maan Falls” and when my partner Denis told me about them, I pictured a falling man, but it is nothing to do with someone falling. I don’t really know where the name “Mahon Falls” comes from, it is possibly called after a person called Mahon. However, it is a nice fall, running down into a beautiful valley.
I was surprised to see sheep high up the mountains and I wondered “how did they get there?” They must be very good climbers, because I would not be able to get up there! Denis said that they fly in daily by helicopter but I feel that is one of his Irish jokes. He also asked if I saw the leprechauns who rode the sheep around the mountains in races. Sometimes I think Denis is a leprechaun in disguise, at least he acts like one from time to time.
I was so glad that we made the visit, it was really worth it, and the weather was not too bad also. But as soon as we left that area, we saw thick dark clouds heading towards our direction. We did not care too much about that at that stage as we were comfortably seated and safe in our car. After that first visit at the Mahon Falls I know that it will be difficult to resist a return visit in summer.