Fotos c) by Margit Anna Binder
This year I got some Season wishes by eMail. I don’t know why, maybe people in time of recession can’t afford to write cards anymore? I usually put the Christmas cards on my chimney, but what shall I do with my eMails? I can’t put them up on my chimney! Well, I suppose I could print them out, but why should I use my paper and my ink, when I wasn’t worth a piece of paper to the person who sent me the wishes in first place? And to put up print-outs on my chimney would not look very decorative anyway.
Did you also get some of your Christmas post by bulk mail? Well I did, I got two. I understand when companies write one eMail and CC it to all customers, but I find it sad, when the closest family, people you love and you don’t get a chance to see very often, are not able to send personal Christmas greetings anymore. Only a few words at least once a year, do I really expect too much? I wish they would take me off their lists as these kind of wishes honestly mean “as much” to me as they meant to the senders, furthermore these dear people could save 1 or 2 more seconds of their precious time, if they took me off from their mailing lists.
Maybe I should be more tolerant and accept that some people have better things to do than to go to a shop to buy a card, to write a few lines by hand and then to go to the post office to send it.