Fotos c) by Margit Anna Binder
Summer is over and autumn brings lots of rain and dull days. The trees´ foliage changed into lovely colours like bright yellow or dark red and pleases the eye for a few days, but after that, all the beauty will be gone. The wind blows dying leaves in front of our entrances and the trees ‘ branches remain bare, nature prepares for a peaceful rest over a long winter period again, it seems as everything goes to sleep now. People prefer to stay at home in front of open fires and enjoy the cosy warmth, while the autumn winds howl in the chimneys. Sunny days with blue skies can be tricky sometimes, as you might think it is obviously warm outside, when the weather is so nice, but that is often a mistake, as the brightest days are often the coldest. On TV you can watch Christmas advertisements already and it won’t be long when we ring out the old and ring in the new year.